Return To Play / COVID Plan Document

This Return To Play document was designed using standards set by TSSA (Tennessee State Soccer Association), US Youth Soccer Association, the CDC & local & state leadership & health professionals

Practice Protocol:

  • Player will go to individual designated training space. If parents stay for practice, please stay in your car or well outside of the training area. Do not come into the training area. If parents congregate please wear masks if the people are outside your family group and maintain 6 feet of social distancing.

  • At the completion of practice the coach will dismiss each player once the coach & player receive acknowledgement from the parent. Please, exit your car, wear a mask and keep social distancing while waiting for you player.


  • If a player is sick, they must stay home. We advise that players with any symptoms of illness be tested and to stay home until they receive test results or are cleared by a medical professional. Please, refer to the symptoms list below when assessing your player.

  • Conduct a daily temperature check for low grade fever (>100.4.) at home before training. If player has a fever, do not go to training. 

    • a. If thermometers are not available, conduct a daily health questionnaire online with the “Coronavirus Self-Checker,” made available by the CDC.

  • Parents, please wear a mask if parent exits their car.

  • Please, do not come out into the practice / playing area. Coaches will come to the edge of the area to check-in the players.

  • Limited or no carpooling.

  • Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every training session.

  • Ensure all equipment, cleats, ball, shin guards, etc. are sanitized before and after every training.

  • Notify club immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason.

  • Do not assist coach with equipment before or after training.

  • Be sure your child has necessary sanitizer with them at every training.

Player Expectation:

  • Wear a mask to and from practice

  • Bring a full water bottle

  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.

  • Bring and use hand sanitizer at every training.

  • Please, wear mask before and immediately after all training.

  • Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, snack, or bag.

  • Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.

  • Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.

  • No group celebrations, no high 5’s, hugs, handshakes, etc.


  • Coaches will wear masks

  • Players may wear masks in practice if they prefer.

  • Each player will have their own socially distanced space to put water bottle, bag, mask, etc.

Player Responsibilities (please read through with your players):

  • Please, wear mask before and immediately after all trainings.

  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.

  • Bring and use hand sanitizer after every training.

  • Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, snack, or bag.

  • Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.

  • Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.

  • No group celebrations, no high 5’s, hugs, handshakes, etc.

Daily Medical Considerations

1. The participant should conduct a daily temperature check for low grade fever (>100.4.) at home before training. If you have a fever, do not go to training. 

a. If thermometers are not available, conduct a daily health questionnaire online with the “Coronavirus Self-Checker,” made available by the CDC. CDC Self-Check symptoms

2. Do not participate in activities if you have any of the symptoms listed below. 

a. Sore throat 

c. Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing 

d. Fever >100.4 F 

e. Chills 

f. Headache

g. Sinus congestion 

h. Cough persistent and/or productive 

i. Joint aches and soreness 

j. Vomiting or diarrhea 

k. Rash 

3. Do not go to training facilities or fields with any of the above symptoms. Remotely communicate your health status to coaches, instructors, team administrators, or medical staff within 24 hours of your training session. Parents (and not the minor player) should communicate with the club or coach, in accordance with the Safe Soccer Framework and the U.S. Center for SafeSport policies and guidance. Speak to a physician and follow CDC guidelines on self-quarantine. 

4. Should a member of your household be experiencing the symptoms above; the family member should consult a physician. Follow the recommendations listed for medical clearance outlined in this document. Maintain all recommended hygiene habits outlined by the CDC.

5. For individuals who have experienced known COVID-19 exposure (close contact) in the past 14 days, the following is recommended: 

a. How is “close contact” defined? Close contact according to the CDC is defined as any individual within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes. 

b. Speak to a physician and self-quarantine according to current CDC guidelines (14 days) 

Medical Clearance

1. As we seek to increase competitive activities and exposure risks, any individuals with a pre-existing medical condition is recommended to provide UPDATED written clearance from a physician for return to full participation 

2. For individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, they should stay at home and following the most up-to-date CDC guidelines for return (minimum 10 days no participation) to full participation in sport & activity. 

a. The individual/guardian should contact the public health department for any specific recommendations.  

b. The club should contact the public health department for any specific recommendations.  

c. The club will communicate with training group/team that someone has tested positive and other members of the group may have been exposed, but due to close contact definition the exposure in soccer is considered lower risk.  

3. For individuals who have experienced known COVID-19 exposure (close contact) in the past 14 days, the following is recommended: 

a. How is “close contact” defined? Close contact according to the CDC is defined as any individual within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes. 

b. Speak to a physician and self-quarantine according to current CDC guidelines (14 days) 

Who needs to quarantine?

People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19—excluding people who have had COVID-19 within the past 3 months or who are fully vaccinated.

  • People who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 3 months and recovered do not have to quarantine or get tested again as long as they do not develop new symptoms.

  • People who develop symptoms again within 3 months of their first bout of COVID-19 may need to be tested again if there is no other cause identified for their symptoms.

  • People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated against the disease and show no symptoms.

What counts as close contact?

  • You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more

  • You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19

  • You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them)

  • You shared eating or drinking utensils

  • They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you